Grants & Scholarships

助学金和奖学金的资金直接用于你的教育费用. At the graduate level, 大多数奖学金都是以成绩为基础的,由各个学术部门颁发. 对于许多基于成绩的奖学金,你在申请正规赌博十大平台排行时自动被考虑. Some, however, will require a separate application.

Institutional Scholarships

我们的研究生院系提供了几种不同的机构财政援助机会. 正规赌博十大平台排行所有类型的机构资助都是由个别学术单位颁发的(而不是我们的办公室)。. If you have questions about any of the aid listed below, be sure to contact your graduate department directly.

  • Graduate Teaching/Research Assistantships

    助教奖学金是优异奖,包括学费减免和生活津贴, 在你的学习中加入教学或研究的成分. 申请和资格要求因部门而异,可能是申请过程的一部分. Contact your department for more information.

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students walking through campus

Federal & State Grants

Though options are extremely limited, 符合条件的学生可以考虑申请联邦教育或科罗拉多研究生奖学金. To be considered for these, you must file the FAFSA.

  • Federal TEACH Grant

    联邦大学和高等教育教师教育援助(TEACH)补助金适用于莫里奇教育学院的学生,他们参加了教师教育硕士课程或课程与教学硕士课程的文学硕士课程. The maximum amount a student can receive is $3,772 每学年(在教育部保留其规定的 reduction amount).

    In exchange for receiving a TEACH grant, 你必须同意在为低收正规赌博十大平台排行生服务的小学或中学担任高需求领域的全职教师. 如果教师没有履行教学义务,教师津贴将会转换为 Direct Unsubsidized loan,并须连同自发放补助金之日起计的利息一并偿还.

    To apply, 你需要提交一份FAFSA,并获得TEACH补助金,作为你经济援助的一部分. 正规赌博十大平台排行咨询和服务或偿还协议(协议)必须在网上完成 each year you receive the TEACH grant.

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  • Colorado "Critical Career" Graduate Grant

    这项赠款的资金由科罗拉多州大会提供 extremely limited. If you're eligible to receive this grant, 我们的办公室将通过电子邮件通知您-不需要单独申请. Award amounts vary from $1,000 to $7,000. To be eligible, you must:

    • Be a graduate student enrolled in an approved degree program
    • Be a Colorado resident and submit the CO Residency Form to the Registrar's Office
    • Be enrolled at least half-time
    • 被科罗拉多高等教育部门(科学)确定的关键职业领域录取, technology, engineering, math and health care)
    • 预期家庭供款(由FAFSA确定)低于7,000美元

Private Scholarships

正规赌博十大平台排行无关的各种实体提供一系列奖学金机会. 这些来源可以包括社区组织和妇女组织, ethnic or religious organizations. Many of these opportunities are not broadly advertised, so be sure to speak with any such organizations near you, particularly those you're already affiliated with, to see if they offer scholarship funding.

Since these entities are not affiliated with DU, you are encouraged to evaluate each scholarship opportunity. 而杜克大学在与学生分享奖学金之前,会努力审查外部奖学金, most of the websites listed below function as search engines. Among other things, beware of applications that only ask for your personal information (such as an email address), require examples of previous coursework, or simply enter you in a type of prize drawing. 这些奖学金可能是挖掘数据或以可能违反的方式利用你的工作的方式 academic integrity policies.


If you received a private scholarship, please report it and send the scholarship check directly to:

Financial Aid
University of Denver
2197 S. University Blvd.
Denver, CO 80208-9403

Once processed, 你的奖学金将被添加到你的经济援助奖励中,并将以与其他援助相同的方式支付到你的账户中.

How Private Scholarships May Affect Your Aid:
你的经济援助资格取决于你的学费和/或你的经济需要. If you receive additional aid, such as a grant, scholarship or tuition benefit from outside of DU, we will first apply these funds to any unmet financial need, if applicable. However, if you have not applied for need-based aid, 然后,这些奖励将被应用到您的帐户中,并受您的出勤费用的限制. 如果私人奖学金导致你超出了你所证明的经济需求和/或就读费用, we may have to adjust your aid offer. 我们将首先减少学生贷款,然后是勤工俭学,然后再减少正规赌博十大平台排行学的奖学金或助学金. In some cases, however, 额外的外部奖励必须支付学费,可能会导致DU奖学金或助学金的减少.



Financial Aid